Yarkhill Church is the oldest intact building in the village. Close to the river but high enough to be safe from flooding, it dates from circa 1200 with many extensions, alterations and repairs. St John the Baptist Church is a grade two-listed building. The church is typical in design with a nave, chancel, vestry, and western tower and seats about 120 people at full capacity. In the churchyard there is an ancient and very large yew tree and a war memorial.
Yarkhill Church is important to campanologists as the “Father of Change Ringing” Fabian Stedman was born in the village and baptised at St John’s church on 7 December 1640. Fabian’s father Francis Stedman was Rector of Yarkhill from 1625–1671. Francis’s time as Rector saw the installation of the current ring of four bells seen today. For more information, see Bells.
St John the Baptist Church, Yarkhill is in the Hereford Diocese and is part of the Ledbury Deanery. The Churchwarden is Mr Ashley Fortey; ashleycfortey5040@gmail.com