2008 saw the completion of the tower repairs. The guttering round the roof was dug out to remove growth. Stone work was replaced or repaired as were the ladders and parts of the flooring inside the tower. With a lot of hard work the PCC secured several grants and raised funds to repair the tower. This amounted to about £56,000 and was no simple task. A grant from English Heritage of £35,000 was a particularly welcome boost. The work on the tower was completed in March 2008.
With the tower restoration completed, a further three phase project was embarked upon to complete the restoration of the tower and its famous bells.
Phase One – Preservation and rehanging of the old ring of four bells as a chime.
Phase Two – New bells and hanging. Eight new bells have been installed below the original four.
Phase Three – Installation of a kitchenette, toilet and teaching facilities.
For more information visit ‘A Church Near You’ https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/10791/